Why leftists might care less about individual privacy than the rest of us

There are a lot of Asian and Russian influences impacting the business community on the West Coast, particularly Silicon Valley and Seattle subsidiaries.  Eastern countries have taken it upon themselves to inject their way into our political machining, our intellectual property and our networks breaching vital Western infrastructure.  What people don’t understand yet is that this is what the Leftist wants:  aggression and dominance of capital commerce structure and consolidation of economic power in the hands of socialized governance. Perhaps they believe China and Russia can export communism to the U.S.

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ADAPTATION: Adjusting your mental preferences for human choice

If you could buy online without compromising everything about yourself, would you opt for it?  If there was an acceptable data currency to spring into the data business, instead of yourself, would you work toward trading on the alternative currency? Choice and economic alternatives can also be invented for mutual benefit of companies and consumers.  It could all work out if we spent more time and energy on how to give privacy choice a chance.

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