Sheila Dean

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SAY THIS: When a Microsoft Biometrics Lobbyist Tries to Massage Army Led Mass Surveillance.

Dear Senator Schatz,


This is my response to news that you are leading up biometric legislation in the US Senate.

 As a former military dependent, I made a solemn promise to myself as a civilian, with no current relationship to the rules, protocols of the US military, I would never consent to militarized collection of my identity.  As the Senator of Hawaii, you must understand the amount of veterans and military household members quartered throughout your US island annex. Not all of them are there because they consented to being there.

I respect the position the US military, but there are [legal] limits to their domain and projected dominance. We know there are firms who will lobby you until every dime become a military dollar and every American becomes identified as an asset of the United States military.  I'm not as worried about them as I am the people who will protect the corrupt involved with obstructing a civilian's right to object to BIMA's collection of a US citizen civilian's biometrics under a trade transfer agreement.

The US Army is the patent holder for all US derivative biometric technology. If China and Russia are collecting US biometrics for their purposes - that is a possible patent violation and a threat to the personal rights of any identified US citizen. While this is noteworthy, it is not the main point of my communication here.

I, like all American citizens, may legally demand a stop and deletion today of the US Army's collection of my biometrics if/when it is collected without express consent by Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Apple or any other commercial derivative provider of choice.

There are lobbyists who do not know that efforts to codify a legal obstruction to the Privacy Act of 1974 is an unenforceable attempt at lawmaking. I know because they have tried in my current state of residence, WA State. Kings of government trade transfer license rights are going to lose because they have lost cases to the Privacy Act. These cases concerned covert mass surveillance operations, whose vendors made attempts to hide behind an NDA in the courts. I urge you to stop entertaining these lobbyists. Inform your colleagues. Protect US citizens’ rights to deny the federal government nonexempt surveillance without a warrant or other legitimate government purpose.

BIMA may own the license, but the US Citizen owns themself.

